Saturday 18 May 2013



I think that the map i made its rather good, i have only used source SDK once before, so I think O done a good job learning the software quickly and making a entire village. I like how my map has loads of different ways to go and lots of areas to explore. I think this gives the player some freedom and also its just fun to kill the zombies. I also like that I made harder and easier areas. E.g the church is a hard area, but if you manage to get through it, you will get rewarded with very good weapons, which will help you go further. I don't like the fact that I didn't have much choice with enemies, it was like one out of seven enemies I could choose from, so the game does get repetitive.. I also wish that we could have had drive-able cars, I think that would have been cool. 
The aim of my game is to just clear the village of zombies, to try and survive after fighting hundreds of them. It is a challenge to kill them all, but if you are patient enough and good enough you will be able to do it.

Friday 17 May 2013


I started off thinking up a few ideas that my game could be based on, straight away i thought of 3 ideas. these were a survival map. a adventure map, and also a real life map. like I was going to attempt to make the college, but i decided that i would do the adventure map.

I thought up ideas that i could put into this map but i decided just having an adventure would be boring, so I combined it with survival. So I was now going to make a survival adventure map. I started to think what the survival adventure map could include... and I instantly thought of zombies. I had other ideas like a alien invasion, but I figured that a zombie apocalypse would be the best.

So now I knew what I was going to be creating, I started to draw map ideas.These are a few of the maps i drawn:

This one was my favourite because it was the most open and had plenty of different routes to go. It also looked the most like a village that could be real. I made this map based on a few birds eye views of villages on Google  but I added in a few other things just to change it slightly, like here I added the factory.

 This map, I drawn completely from my head, without any references  I began to notice during drawing the map that it was not looking too good  it was way to big and a lot of empty areas and it just didn't look like it would be a real place, so I decided to start drawing a different map.

this map was my very first idea, it was going to have four separate segments, The park the ocean, the housing and the market.. but i realised this would be was too much to do in just a 6 week project, so I drawn different maps that were smaller, but used some of the same things that were in this map ( like the market )

They were all taken into consideration to be made, but I chose this one:


I chose this because there were alot of different pathways to go, and it seemed the most open and explorable. It was the best map to make a survival game on, as you could keep moving because I made it with very few dead ends, so you will not get stuck, this also keeps the gameplay flowing.

I am going to have a church in my game, this church will be a main area, and it will be difficult to get through  I will have alot of zombies and enemies in this area, but there will be goods rewards if you get past them.
I was not sure how to build the church, so I went on the internet and got lots of ideas, I created a mood board out of them. Here is the mood board  ---->

Monday 13 May 2013


The map is a considerable size, with lots of different paths and alleys to go down, every building can be entered aswell. But the game engine is laggy because of all of this. You can still play the game and play well, even with the lag, but it would be better if the lag was not there. To attempt to remove this lag I have removed alot of objects that were not really needed, but were just for decoration.

This is the spawn point. I wanted thios place to feel and look very run down and dark and gloomy, because your in a zombie apocalypse.
When you get out the startiong building ( where there are a few hidden useful weapons to get you started off ) You will see the first street, and instantly have loads of ways to go. Here is a image of the first street. it looks very much like a apocalyptic street would, with destroyed cars and rubbish and ruined buildings etc...
Here is the street leading to the church ( you can see a light bgeaming down on the church )
Oddly enough, there are alot of useful weapons in the church, I have decided that any 'main' building will be harder to fight through but have better rewards inside.
This is inside the factory, which is at the opposite side of the map, from where you spawn. The  factory is infested with enemies, but they can be avoided by choosing different doors, as there are loads of rooms in the factory.