Friday 17 May 2013


I started off thinking up a few ideas that my game could be based on, straight away i thought of 3 ideas. these were a survival map. a adventure map, and also a real life map. like I was going to attempt to make the college, but i decided that i would do the adventure map.

I thought up ideas that i could put into this map but i decided just having an adventure would be boring, so I combined it with survival. So I was now going to make a survival adventure map. I started to think what the survival adventure map could include... and I instantly thought of zombies. I had other ideas like a alien invasion, but I figured that a zombie apocalypse would be the best.

So now I knew what I was going to be creating, I started to draw map ideas.These are a few of the maps i drawn:

This one was my favourite because it was the most open and had plenty of different routes to go. It also looked the most like a village that could be real. I made this map based on a few birds eye views of villages on Google  but I added in a few other things just to change it slightly, like here I added the factory.

 This map, I drawn completely from my head, without any references  I began to notice during drawing the map that it was not looking too good  it was way to big and a lot of empty areas and it just didn't look like it would be a real place, so I decided to start drawing a different map.

this map was my very first idea, it was going to have four separate segments, The park the ocean, the housing and the market.. but i realised this would be was too much to do in just a 6 week project, so I drawn different maps that were smaller, but used some of the same things that were in this map ( like the market )

They were all taken into consideration to be made, but I chose this one:


I chose this because there were alot of different pathways to go, and it seemed the most open and explorable. It was the best map to make a survival game on, as you could keep moving because I made it with very few dead ends, so you will not get stuck, this also keeps the gameplay flowing.

I am going to have a church in my game, this church will be a main area, and it will be difficult to get through  I will have alot of zombies and enemies in this area, but there will be goods rewards if you get past them.
I was not sure how to build the church, so I went on the internet and got lots of ideas, I created a mood board out of them. Here is the mood board  ---->

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