Monday 13 May 2013


The map is a considerable size, with lots of different paths and alleys to go down, every building can be entered aswell. But the game engine is laggy because of all of this. You can still play the game and play well, even with the lag, but it would be better if the lag was not there. To attempt to remove this lag I have removed alot of objects that were not really needed, but were just for decoration.

This is the spawn point. I wanted thios place to feel and look very run down and dark and gloomy, because your in a zombie apocalypse.
When you get out the startiong building ( where there are a few hidden useful weapons to get you started off ) You will see the first street, and instantly have loads of ways to go. Here is a image of the first street. it looks very much like a apocalyptic street would, with destroyed cars and rubbish and ruined buildings etc...
Here is the street leading to the church ( you can see a light bgeaming down on the church )
Oddly enough, there are alot of useful weapons in the church, I have decided that any 'main' building will be harder to fight through but have better rewards inside.
This is inside the factory, which is at the opposite side of the map, from where you spawn. The  factory is infested with enemies, but they can be avoided by choosing different doors, as there are loads of rooms in the factory.

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